We can help create NEW teams to practice and race, or create team-building events for any organization looking to get out on the water and enjoy the sport. Anyone can enjoy the sport and we can help make it happen! For more information please contact Tim@rustydragons.ca or call 647-971-7332.
We also help create NEW teams to practice and race, or create one-off team-building evenings / weekends for any organization looking to get out on the water and enjoy the sport. Anyone can enjoy the sport and we can help make it happen! For more information please contact Tim@RustyDragons.ca or call 647-971-7332. Now is the time to plan! The cost for a group of up to 20 for a two hour intro to dragon boating (one hour on land, one hour on water) is under $250 ($12 a person) and the use of paddles and life jackets is included. We can also help create teams with 8 practices (once a week in evenings), and race on Canada Day for about $150/person.
New in 2018: We will pre-set several dates available to run Corporate Team Building for anyone interested. .
We also help others form teams by giving them whatever support they need through the use of shared resources; website pages, budget templates, Survey Monkey Pro for registrations, PayPal and budgeting, booking practices, hiring coaches, etc. Contact the club as detailed below.