This is the TENTH year for the team, formed originally in 2015 by Jack Leong. The crew had a great 2023 and look forward to a new year of racing in 2024.  Anyone can participate in this sport and have fun and do well.  The team has transitioned from being a university library staff team to one open to anyone.  The name change from Library of Conquest to Strokes of Luck (team naming contest) was made in support of this change.

News (August 22):  The Strokes of Luck team finished their program and season at the Welland Hope Floats Challenge on August 10th.

The non-profit registration fee includes all practices and events as well as the use of life jackets and paddles. All members of this team are also automatically members of the Rusty Dragons club.  The club supports the team in many ways, and also provides all team members with additional opportunities to train and race.

The team is excited to announce that Sammi Wai will be the new coach for the Strokes of Luck team.  Sammi hails from McMaster University in multiple sports, including dragon boat.   

We are also excited to announce that Nathan and Charmaine are your team co-captains for 2024!  Please read the program details further below, and when ready you can register using the orange button below.  Note that registration and payment are two separate processes - registration is via our TeamSnap form linked to by the button below, and payment is done separately via your online banking (Interac) once you are confirmed registered.

If you have any questions, please contact co-captains at... 
     This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.


We look forward to a new year of racing in 2025, with both returning members as well as lots of new members.  Anyone can participate in this sport and have fun.  We've made changes detailed below to make this team even more accessible!

NEW FOR 2025!!   We have decided to change this team's program to a half-season program as it used to be for many years.  This will result in a lower commitment of time and a lower registration fee, both of which will make it accessible to more people.  This is a great option for people new to the sport (although ALL teams need and accept new paddlers).  Registration is open to anyone on a first-come-first-served basis to a capacity of 24 team members.  There are no restrictions on who can join this sport:  age, gender, lack of sport experience, disability, etc are not barriers in any way.  Join us and see why the camaraderie of this sport is so great.

The team will then race at the Canada Day Regatta on Toronto Island which is the oldest running mixed sport regatta in the world.  The event started in 1884 with 2 sports, rowing and canoe, to which the 3rd sport dragon boat was added in 2003.  The team will race against other Rusty Dragons teams as well as a few outside teams, all the while being able to watch all the other boat types race (canoe, kayak, rowing - of all sizes).

The non-profit registration fee includes all practices and events as well as the use of life jackets and paddles. All members of this team are also automatically members of the Rusty Dragons club.  The club supports the team in many ways, and also provides all team members with additional opportunities to train and race.

2025 March 02 Update:   Registration for the summer program is now open!  

We are excited that Charmaine and Nathan are your team co-captains again for 2025!  Please read the program details further below, and when ready you can register using the orange button below.  Note that registration and payment are two separate processes - registration is via our TeamSnap form linked to by the button below, and payment is done separately via your online banking (Interac) once you are confirmed registered.

If you have any questions, please contact co-captains at... 
     This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.

Program Details for 2025

This year the team is moving back to half-season program that is less of a time commitment and a lower cost.  We'll train for 8 weeks in May and June, and then race at the Canada Day Regatta with all other Rusty Dragons teams.

Practices: 8


Practicing Saturdays, 10:30 AM to 12:30 PM.

(Arrive at 10:30 AM - on water at 11:00 AM).

Dates(8): May 10/17/24/31 + June 7/14/21/28.


Outer Harbour - 480 Unwin St, Toronto

Includes free unlimited parking, and is TTC accessible (10 minute walk to the site).

(see the Practice Site page). 

Regattas: 1

Canada Day Regatta

After 8 weeks of practice, we race at the Canada Day Regatta on Toronto's Centre Island.  Teams will get 3 races: 1x200m + 2x500m.  Unique Canada Day medals are up for grabs in every team's final race of the day.



Payments are preferred to be made after registration (separate from registration form) using Interac to "This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.".   Payments are appreciated as early as you can.  See the Payments Page for more options and details.